Michael Rees


Michael Rees is a sculptor living locally and working globally. He has exhibited his work in Europe and the United States both in private and public venues. He is collected by the Whitney Museum of American Art and by the Edelman Foundation in Luzern, Switzerland. He was included in the 1995 Whitney Biennial and recently in “Michael Rees: Digital Psyche” at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art.

In 1998, selected articles have appeared about his work in World Art (fall), Artbyte (April May), Sculpture Magazine (May June), Art in America (October), and The New Art Examiner (April).

Upcoming articles will appear in Flash Art and in Art New England.


Rees has also pioneered the use of high technology in sculpture. To this end, he has published several articles on Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Prototyping and Art.

Michael REES Web site